• Resolved Dekidex


    First of all I would like to thank you for having the free option of this plugin. I use it on couple of my hobby sites with simple calculates and it works great.
    Now I am trying to achieve a bit more complex calculation but with no luck. Even though I get a feeling its something simple I can’t see to figure it out. Went trough 50 forum pages but could not get the answer I was looking for.
    I have 5 number fields:
    Quantity (number field) fieldname3
    Length, (number field) fieldname7
    Width, (number field) fieldname6
    Height(number field) fieldname5
    Weight(number field) fieldname4
    Calculation field
    This is the Equation: fieldname7*fieldname6*fieldname5*fieldname3/6000
    What I try to achieve is: If the value in a number fieldname(4)(Weight) is higher than the value in the calculation field to show the value of the number fieldname(4)(Weight) as result.
    The values are to be inserted in to the number fields so they are not pre-defined.
    I hoop this is clear and you can help me out.

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @dekidex,

    The equation is really simply, you only should to use the “MAX” operation as follows:

    MAX(fieldname7*fieldname6*fieldname5*fieldname3/6000, fieldname4)

    The equation’s result would be the highest value between the fieldname4, and the mathematical operation.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Dekidex


    It works perfectly. And great responds time even for a free user. Thanks Codepeople!

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