• Hi.

    Do you have a work around to safetly and properly upgrade the OLD Checkout and Payment Pages which use their shortcodes to the new ones which uses blocks?

    I ask this because I had the idea do delete the Checkout and Payment Pages. So I used the woocommerce tool to create the new ones.

    The new pages had blocks inside. But, going to load the checkout and the payment pages those blocks used to remain in “loading” without complete the process.

    So, I restored the previus DB backup with the old pages.

    I hope you can help with the transition from old to new pages.

    Waiting for your reply, I wish you a nice day.

    Kind regards

    G. Aloe

    • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 6 days ago by jscmal.
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  • Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    Hi there @jscmal 👋

    Thanks for reaching out about this. Let’s troubleshoot it together!

    Do you have a work around to safetly and properly upgrade the OLD Checkout and Payment Pages which use their shortcodes to the new ones which uses blocks?

    It sounds like you made a backup before deleting the Cart and Checkout pages at your store, with only the classic shortcode in each, and creating them anew using the functionality documented here — in order to go ahead with having the corresponding block in each. Correct?

    The new pages had blocks inside. But, going to load the checkout and the payment pages those blocks used to remain in “loading” without complete the process.

    I’d recommend taking a look at the document, linked here, as a next step.

    I trust that points you in the right direction, but if you have more questions, let us know.

    We’re happy to help.

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