• Hello,

    I am testing this plugin out and it’s great so far.

    I have a question though – how do I undo a change I made, such as deleted something from a website header? The problem is I am using the visual editor and have no idea what the thing I deleted was called in code and didn’t see an undo button.


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  • Thread Starter stephunique


    Update: I have discovered that you can delete whatever customisations you have made and that would remove the changes, but it removes everything you did in that customisation. To do this, in the wordpress dashboard, click directly on YellowPencil (or YellowPencil -> Customisations), then under “Customisations”, you’ll see a list of customisations. Delete the one you want to remove.

    Unfortunately I have no idea how to tell which option contains which customisations, but if you made only a few changes, this method is a workaround until we find a better solution.

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