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  • Greetings Dgstr:

    Currently, if a logged in user takes a quiz that asks for name and email, these fields will pre-populate with the user’s information.

    When I originally added in the capability to automatically retrieve user info for logged in users, I had the fields invisible when a user was taking the quiz. However, many users of the plugin did not like this approach and asked to have the fields visible so the user can edit his or her information.

    I will try to add an option for admins to disable/enable the fields for logged in users in a future update for you.

    Best Regards


    Thread Starter dgstr


    I can use CSS to make it invisible?

    There is anyway to limit how many times an user can make the quiz?

    Thank you very much!

    In the current version (1.2.1), there is no way to limit how many times a quiz can be taken by the user. I will add this capability to the list of planned features for you.


    Thread Starter dgstr


    There is any launch time for this update?
    Because I need it so much and Quiz Master Next was the best plugin I’ve found.

    In the newest version (1.3.1), there is a new option on the Quiz Options page. If you set this new option to No, the fields will no longer show up but will still save the users data for you. Let me know if this is what you had in mind.


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