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  • How about using the RSS sidebar widget in the second blog showing the latest posts from the first blog’s feed?


    As far as I know widget is for WP v2, and I have to use WP 1.5. Cuase I am using different language (to write and edit posts by default – JS) and this function does not work in v2 of WP. (This is a Java code that lets me to write in my Language even when I do not have it installed on my PC)

    If I am wrong please tell me how to do it for WP 1.5

    CG-FeedRead is an aggregator, will work with wp15 or wp2, and should do a sidebar recent-entries list pretty easily.

    No it is not my job!! sorry davidchait, but I am not good at coding. I need some thing easy.

    CG-FeedRead is pretty easy, if all you want to do is show a set of links in say your sidebar. So long as you have it installed on the blogs, it can be as simple as adding something like this to your sidebar:


    That will, using the defaults, show you titles and links to the 5 most recent posts on the site given to it.

    It can get more complex as you want it to — it can cache (store results locally, for speed) if you give a name to the feed, you can ask for more (or less) items, you can ask for the details in addition to the title, etc., etc.


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