• Resolved r1nk



    I got 2 questions regarding this plugin.

    1 – Lets say I create several Galleries and each gallery contains several images. I then create a new page and I want to display all my created Galleries in that page. So, do I need to insert each Galleries manually or I can just create an Album that contain all the Galleries, and inside the page I just put the Album shortcode?

    2 – In front-end, lets say the images have 3 pagination. At the first page, when the lightbox open, the total images is just for the first page. Is it possible when inside the lightbox, user can navigate all the images from all the pages?

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  • Thread Starter r1nk


    OK, for no 1, I created an album that contains all the galleries that I want. Then I insert the shortcode inside a page. I view the page and it listed down all the Galleries thumbnails which is like what I want.

    But then, I clicked one of the Gallery, it shows all the images from all the Galleries inside the Album. Why is that?

    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @r1nk,

    The single gallery page should actually display only the images from that specific gallery and not from all the galleries that are inserted in the same album so I am wondering if there is anything wrong with the structure.

    Can you please confirm that you have created 1 album, then added the galleries to it then inserted the Album into the page using a shortcode?


    Because it has been a month or more since your last reply, I am going to mark this as resolved as I assume you have found a solution. Please feel free to reply again if you still have questions.

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