• Resolved apinis



    Can anyone explain how to auto sync photos from fb page?

    Facebook Application
    Remove App
    Thanks for logging in,

    I have made an app and logged in and all, but what next? Do i have to make some specific settings in facebook developers page? Thank you!

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author Mike Auteri


    Hi apinis,

    When you install the plugin, the instructions for creating the app and setting up the plugin are given to you step-by-step.


    Thread Starter apinis


    Hey, Mike! Thank you for your reply!

    Where can i find these instructions? This is the only manual i can find:

    Unzip the plugin and Upload the directory ‘fb-photo-sync’ to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ on your site
    Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    That’s it! Get started under WP Admin Panel > Settings > FB Photo Sync

    p.s. I even just reinstalled the plugin to see if there are any first time notifications on how to configure the app but there is nothing.

    p.s.s i checked every page of the plugin
    Details, Reviews, Installation, Support, Development

    i checked the https://mikeauteri.com/portfolio/fb-photo-sync/ website and i googled for instructions. still nothing.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by apinis.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by apinis.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by apinis.
    Plugin Author Mike Auteri


    Hi apinis,

    In the admin (after activating the plugin), go to Settings->FB Photo Sync. On that screen you will see instructions for configuring the plugin to use on your site.


    Thread Starter apinis


    Hello again!
    Thank you! I removed the app and followed instructions once more (I had all of these settings previously) Im not new to this and I have app for auto posting posts to fb and twitter:

    Facebook Application
    Remove App
    Thanks for logging in, XXXX XXXXXX!
    Having issues? Click Remove App above and follow the provided instructions.
    Still having issues? Search FB Photo Sync support page or post a new topic.

    Nothing happens after this. I can set up Find Albums on a Public Page and Import Your Personal Facebook Albums these options work fine, but i want to make auto sync from a facebook page albums. All other plugins ask for App secret and then I can choose from which one of the pages I can gather the information. Are there not any other steps to do after adding App ID?

    Plugin Author Mike Auteri


    An actual autosync via a WP cron has not been built yet. Not sure I am going to build it as I haven’t had a lot of time to work on this plugin in the last year.

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