• Can anyone point me to documentation on how to set the Capabilities?

    I have entered in the “Capabilities” entry:

    and created a capabilities called ‘edit_custom’ and ‘publish_custom’ but those users still have no access…

    Otherwise having a great experience with this plug in, but don’t want to have to give all editors admin access…

    Also, an aside question, what do folks use to create custom taxonomies?


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  • Thread Starter GenealogyCoach


    Okay, when you click the “forum” link on the bottom of the admin screen, you go to http://wordpress.org/tags/custom-content-type-manager?forum_id=10

    If you go to the plugin page “Support Threads” you come to this page.

    Posts on the former show up on the latter, but not vice versa. (unless properly tagged???)

    All to explain my apology for the double posting Here, anyway, not there!


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