• Resolved robmaric


    Hi there, How can I reorder the metaboxes on the Product edit page? e.g. Move “Product short description” to the top, “Publish” to the bottom” and so on. I want this to apply to all users.

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  • Roxy


    Hi @robmaric ,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand that you would like to reorder the meta boxes on the Product edit page, and want these changes to apply to all user roles, is this correct?

    While “Product Description” cannot be moved, it is possible to reorder and move the other items on the Product edit page.

    How to reorder meta boxes on Product edit page:

    You can use the drag-and-drop feature which will allow you to reorder these, alternatively, you can use the arrows, as seen below:

    Furthermore, you can move Publish from the right-hand sidebar, to the bottom by dragging it to the main area, as seen in this screengrab.

    I would like to add that there is currently an open bug report with regard to moving the Product Short Description meta box which you can read in more detail, on the open Github issue here.

    The changes you make as an Administrator here, will not be applied for other user roles (i.e Shop Manager), and this would need to be applied while logged in, in that specific user role.

    I am not aware of any specific plugin that can achieve this, and it may require custom code to change the priority of the meta boxes and to disable the Javascript that allows you to reorder this.

    For help with custom code, you could hire a developer or ask your customization questions in one of the channels below.


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