• Resolved lisamr


    Hello! When users register for our site, they fill out a registration form. One of the fields we capture is their company name. When they register, we get a notification email that uses the shortcode {submitted_registration}, it doesn’t have individual shortcodes for name, email, etc.

    We would like to get a notification email when a user submits something on our website that includes their first name, last name, and company name. We have a custom notification plugin (Better Notifications for WordPress), but we can’t seem to figure out how to pull the Company Name from their profile. Is there a way to find out where UM stores the information for their user profile and pull their company name from it?

    Thank you very much!

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  • @lisamr

    You will find the Company name as the meta_value in the WP usermeta table for the User’s user_id and company as meta_key (see your screen copy link).

    Try with the “Better Notifications” Shortcode for User Profile Custom Field:

    [user_custom_field field="X"]

    where you replace X with company

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by missveronica.
    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @lisamr

    Please try the above suggestion. Let us know if you’re still having issues.


    Thread Starter lisamr


    @missveronicatv & @champsupertramp,

    Thank you so much for the response! We figured out a workaround using some custom PHP. We just needed to create a custom shortcode that pulls that meta value from a user’s profile and we were able to get it to work.

    Side note: the above suggestion is only an option for the Pro version of Better Notifications for WordPress, which we don’t have but thankfully didn’t need.

    Thank you again!

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Thanks for letting us know how you’ve resolved the issue.


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