• Resolved mathiaspriebe


    Our service provider for Google Ads needs a tracking code for campaign management which we’ve successfully integrated in the script center of Complianz. But they, as well as Google Analytics, demand placing the script into header instead of body where it appears now.

    Is there a way to do so a) with Complianz b) as a workaround but still GDPR compliant? What would happen if I put it in the header as a snippet but user does not allow within Complianz?

    Thank you in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @mathiaspriebe,

    You can still place these scripts on the desired location, i.e. in the <head> of the site. You’d just have to adjust these <script> elements for consent in Complianz.

    Adjusting the <script></script> tags of these tools as shown below, and then adding these modified variants to the <head> of the site, will do the trick.

    <!-- Consent Levels - Complianz -->
    // Functional
    <script type="text/javascript" data-category="functional"></script>
    // Statistics
    <script type="text/plain" data-category="statistics"></script>
    // Marketing
    <script type="text/plain" data-category="marketing"></script>

    Kind regards, Jarno

    Thread Starter mathiaspriebe


    Thank you @jarnovos! I got this. Just for confirmation: If placed like this into header section, Complianz will still recognize it. Within the plugin the tracking code wouldn’t be needed anymore. Am I right?

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @mathiaspriebe,

    Correct indeed!

    Just a quick addition, I noticed that you included the // Marketing comments as well, but it’s not necessary to do so; these are just some comments that we added for clarification.

    Kind regards, Jarno

    Thread Starter mathiaspriebe


    Sure, thank you for your assistance.

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