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  • I’ve been trying to figure this out this week too @dinamicorre.

    Due to the WP hierarchy of files, the Front Page Template will override anything else.

    The way I’ve ended up doing it (because I don’t want to go digging into code) is to create a backup of the Front Page design as a new page, and then edit the Front Page Template directly by copy-pasting what I already designed on my custom home page.

    Hope this helps for now ✌🏽

    Thread Starter Dinamicore


    @yvieormsby thank you for you advice.

    Nevertheless, there is another issue; when in front page the Wonder Blocks do not display; for any reason there is a limitation with the template.

    Hope the developer provides a solution for this.

    I’ve not used to Wonder Blocks yet (I’m starting very simple to begin with!) but if I spot anything that helps as I work my way through all the features, I’ll share my discoveries ✌🏽

    Theme Author shufflehound


    Hi there,

    To overwrite the front page this currently is the best way:

    1. Create a new page (Pages > Add New)
      1. Under summary set Template to “Page (without title)”
      2. Add patterns and modify the content as needed
    2. Set the page as Homepage (Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays)
    3. Open the front page template (Appearance > Editor > Templates > Front Page)
      1. Backup the content (if needed)
      2. Delete all blocks/content
      3. Add pattern “Front page (inherits homepage content)” (+ button > Patterns > Enter name inside the search)
      4. View your homepage

    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

    Is there any chance that the answer above doesn’t work?

    I’ve tryed many times and when I delete the original template in the editor and create a new one with the pattern, this once again predominates over the one I created in NEW PAGES based on patterns.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Theme Author shufflehound


    Hi there,

    It was working for us.

    Can you please confirm that you followed all the mentioned steps? I just want to ensure everything was done correctly

    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

    Thanks for your answer!

    Steps 1. and 2. I think they work fine for me. They are easy to do and I don’t see any opportunity for failure there.

    It is in point 3. where I see the most possibility of error. Let me explain: At this point (3) I delete the frontpage template adding then the pattern you’ve designed for Front Page, and saving changes.

    Then I return to see the live site and the model page that can be seen in patterns continues to appear. Not the one I’ve designed in step 1.2. Maybe this is where I don’t quite understand your instructions.

    I really appreciate your help


    Theme Author shufflehound


    Can you please confirm that in the Site Editor > Front Page template, you have only three blocks: header, content, and footer? Also have you created a page with some content that is now set as the front page?

    Hello there, and thanks again!

    Can you please confirm that in the Site Editor > Front Page template, you have only three blocks: header, content, and footer?

    As far as I can see It only appears header and footer.

    Also have you created a page with some content that is now set as the front page?

    Yes, I did. Anycase, I think now its working. I think I didn’t add the template atribute right in the first instance. Now it is (as you can see below).

    Any recommendations? Do I need to do more?

    Your help is being very useful! Thank you!

    And Regards,

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by intrusoeu.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by intrusoeu.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by intrusoeu.
    Theme Author shufflehound


    Hi there,

    Currently, it is hard to say what could cause this, as it is working fine in our testing site.

    Perhaps you could share access to your site and contact us via our contact form?

    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

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