• Resolved gonzalogg


    Hi, i want to do something and i think this plugin is appropriate, but i’m learning wordpress so i don’t know where to start. So, first of all, sorry about that.

    I’m using Kalium Theme that has a Portfolio module and i want to add custom fields to each portfolio item.

    So, i want to do the following:
    1. Build a form on a page to create portfolio items easily: filling different fields, assigning portfolio categories/subcategories and adding images.

    2. Show the added items in the portfolio page (template provided by Kalium Theme).

    In other words, the objective is to build a simple page with a form to add new items (so anybody without wordpress knowledge can do it). In that form should be different fields (text, numbers, drop-down lists), the possibility to assign portfolio categories and subcategories and to add images (there is a portfolio gallery integrated in portfolio module).

    So, do you thinks it’s possible? Is there any tutorial to do this? I really don’t know how to start.

    Thanks in advance.

    (I also posted this here: http://pods.io/forums/topic/how-to-integrate-with-portfolio-items-kalium-theme/)


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  • Plugin Contributor Jim True


    If you’re not terribly comfortable with coding and new to WordPress, doing a front-end form for users is not an easy first step at all and we unfortunately don’t have the resources to show someone how to create their own front-end forms, not without some serious coding or using another plugin like Gravity Forms. However, with Pods, adding fields to the back-end Portfolio entry from your plugin is fairly easy and they should show up in the ‘More Fields’ section. Typically, use the WordPress admin; there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel.

    Displaying those fields with the individual display options for each portfolio (if your theme is well designed) can be as easy as creating a Pods Template showing just those fields and setting the Auto Templates option to display those fields ‘after’ or ‘before’ the content. Take a look at the tutorial series by OSTraining and this might make a little of that clearer.


    All of what you’re suggesting above is definitely possible with Pods; it all just depends on how much additional coding you want to do to make it work or if you want to leverage what WordPress already does quite well.

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