• Hello,

    What is best size image for product category?
    How to hide category image on all products page?
    Why the category image always displayed on right side when it is in all product page?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance!

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  • Thread Starter cfm168


    additional questions:

    How to change Product image size displayed on product page, too big by default? Is it possible to change by additional CSS?

    I don’t see <<Returen to on All Products page. How can I add <<Returen to Main Categories page?

    Currently “<<Returen to products” on single product page turns to Main Categories page. How can I set it return to All Products page (Previous page)instead?

    Please help. Thanks in advance!

    Plugin Author ndre


    Hi @cfm168,

    You can hide the category image on category page with the ‘Disable Image on Category Page’ checkbox located in General Catalog Settings inside the categories settings section.

    Please see the docs for best product image size. Basically it depends on your theme. You should check what is the size of the displayed image with your browser inspector and set the correct size in WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Media.

    If you don’t see the return to products link it means that you don’t have the main catalog page selected in Catalog General Settings.

    Product Page Customizer has an option to set the Return to products link to previous page instead of the main listing. Please see the docs: https://implecode.com/docs/product-page-customizer/replace-back-products-url/

    You can use custom CSS to modify the product image size. The easiest way is to use Product Gallery Advanced settings: https://implecode.com/docs/product-gallery-advanced/main-image-size/

    In the future please create separate topics for separate issues. This will help others to find a solution easier.

    Thread Starter cfm168


    Thank you Sir.

    Use WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Media. Resolved my product image size so far.
    Your “Product Gallery Advanced” plugin is good but over budget at this time.

    For Replace Back to Products URL, I don’t see where is Product Page Elements check box for setting. Please advise.

    Thanks in advance!

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