• Resolved bdeerdev


    How can we have a Before and After field show in a cell?

    What we want to show is: a $ symbol BEFORE money amounts in a cell, and / hours AFTER peoples hours in a cell.

    Just like setting up dynamic content via a site builder like Elementor. https://prnt.sc/eb2AuPb5scc3

    What we are using is Gravity form (GF) to enter customer details and donations they make to show on the website in a in Tablesome table.

    The workflow:

    • Trigger: GRAVITY. On Form Submit.
    • Action: Add Row.
    • All relevant GF fields are mapped with donated amounts and volunteer hours donated.
    • You can see the table we have set up here > https://prnt.sc/_6pMuhA0wIW6 (All dummy content for this purpose).
      • 1) In the column ‘Donated Time (hrs)’ we can only pull in the number from GF. In red we would like the / hours to show AFTER the imputed field text.
      • 2) In the column ‘Donation Amount’, again, we can only pull in the number from GF. In red we would like the $ symbol to show BEFORE the imputed field text.
    • NOTE: Because there will be a lot of entries in the table, manually adding these fields in each column is not feasible (And TBH the client would probably forget). So this must be done automatically upon the GF form entry.

    No matter what field we use in GF from a text to a number field we can not seem to pull through a BEFORE & AFTER field.

    I have looked at your docs site here https://tablesomewp.com/docs/add-css-for-a-specific-table/ and there is not much TBH.

    • How do we pull in the $ and /hours as a before and after field from a GF form field entry?
    • Or how do we customise Tablesome with some code to make this happen with a before and after field?
    • Or is none of this possible in your plugin?

    To show you EXACTLY what we need, I have manually placed in the $ and /hours in the table cells https://prnt.sc/N91ck6ykS12a


    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 5 days ago by bdeerdev.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter bdeerdev


    @essekia I posted this support request almost 5 days ago with no response.
    Yet, I see you have chosen to respond to a request 18 hours, 47 minutes ago before mine.

    Why are you not responding to my support request, and why have they ‘jumped the cue’ in getting support from you?

    I feel I have provided ample information about my request, so even a simple “I am looking into it.” from you would suffice with a estimated time frame.

    PS. The URL of the page I need help with has changed. You can now find it here. https://thesheltercollective.brandeer.dev/donations/our-donors/

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by bdeerdev.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by bdeerdev.
    Plugin Author Essekia


    @bdeerdev Sorry for the late reply. Wanted to get back to you after answering things I had an answer for. I will add this to our backlog.

    Obviously, features which have more demand will get higher priority. So, unable to give you a time frame right now. The reason being the more feature we build, the more time we need to spend maintaining it.

    Thread Starter bdeerdev


    Hi @essekia , thanks for getting back to me.

    I assume from your answer, this is not a simple task with a ‘code-snippet’ to add $ before and or /hrs after a number in a cell.

    If it is a new feature you must build in to the plugin (either on the free or paid version), I completely understand that this may take some time if it has little demand.

    Thank you for your time and keep up the great work 👍.

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