• I am trying to limit the width of a carousel to just 1200px, but no matter the settings, or embedding in a container on the page, it is full width.

    This would seem to be an easy, or common sense, setting, but Flex, Fill, or Focus, and even “content wrapper” does not solve this issue. I just want the carousel to scale within a container, or to the width of the page content (1200px desktop etc.). Putting it in a container does not work since it overrides the container to go fullwidth even when fullwidth is not set as an option.

    One of the templates uses a different set of options, not Flex, but Fullwidth/Boxed, but that also is not able to be controlled via the settings to limit it to 1200px.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Depicter Support


    @jamword22 ,
    Hello, I hope you are well. Thank you for your feedback. I will pass your feedback to our project manager and I will let you know the result.

    Thread Starter jamword22



    This is a pretty simple question/issue. Can the carousel be contained and not be full width or not? If so how can this be done and is there really no documentation or how-to’s for this plugin?


    I have the exact same issue. Have they gave you any answer yet ?

    Thanks a lot,

    Thread Starter jamword22


    They have not, and I abandoned this plugin since they do not follow through or have really any documentation. Just a bad way to manage things when people pay.

    We did a custom block instead.

    @jamword22 thanks for your quick answer.

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