• Plugin Author WPClever


    As a bundle is a group of products, so when a bundle is purchased, the stock quantity of bundled items included will surely be deducted, irrespective of the stock settings. If one of the bundled items goes out of stock/ unpurchasable/ low in threshold/ set as private, then the whole bundle will go out of stock/ unpurchasable as well.

    When it comes to managing bundle stock quantity, users need to revise the stock management at bundle level (Bundled Products tab) & at product level (Inventory tab of bundle). By default when a new bundle is created, the stock management at bundle level is not turned on; but the stock quantity of bundle will still be automatically managed by the plugin whether this is enabled or not.

    Stock Control: Two ways to control the stock of products with WPC Product Bundles:

    1. Manual Stock Management: Open the single product settings >> Inventory tab, users will need to turn on the “Enable stock management at product level?” then in the Stock Quantity line, manually enter the number of stock available. Doing this will enable a notification like this “ X in stock” and in the Dashboard, users will also see a stock count in brackets next to the stock status.
    2. Stock Status: This requires users to uncheck the stock management option, then choose one of three stock statuses: In Stock/ Out of Stock/ On Backorder. Customers will only know if a product is purchasable or not, without a specific stock count.

    Product-level stock management: When the stock management option at product level in bundles (Inventory tab of Smart Bundle) is turned off/ unchecked, it will automatically copy the stock settings of bundled items. If any of the bundled items use stock management, then the whole bundle’s stock will be in sync with that product as well.

    Bundles’ stock quantity: To manually set a maximum quantity for bundles, please put a check in “Enable stock management at bundle level?” to enable this then go to Inventory and enter a number in the Stock Quantity box. This number must be lower or equal to the quantity of bundled items that have lowest stock in the deal. If you enter an invalid number, it will be automatically changed back to the valid one once the bundle is saved. If all of the bundled items use stock status instead of stock management, then you can enter any number you’d like for bundle’s stock quantity.

    Backorders: In case all of bundled items are out of stock, but you set “Allow backorders/Allow but notify customers” in stock management or choose “On backorders” in stock status, then the bundle is still in stock for customers to buy in the front-end, in the dashboard it will be displayed as “On backorders”.

    Restock Issue: Sometimes, when the bundle is out of stock, then upon restocking it and setting a new stock quantity, users might need to check the stock management at the bundle level first, then go to the Inventory tab and check the stock at product level. The stock quantity might remain 0 and make the whole bundle goes out of stock as it still reserves the previous status while all of the bundled items are still in stock. Please check it carefully.

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