• Hello,

    How can I change the border color on the thumbnails when I hover them with the mouse? It’s a gray border all around them for the moment for me.

    I know this question has been asked many times with some answers sometimes but only for old version of the plugin. I’m using the latest version: 2.0.59.

    I tried to play with some CSS files but didn’t find the solution. I think it should be part of the FAQ.

    Well, if somebody can explain me how to do it, I would really appreciate that.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • @davidfr post a link to the page with the thumbnails.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @davidfr – In many cases there can be a theme component to the Custom CSS required so @tizz’s suggestion of providing a link would be very helpful.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter davidfr


    This is not linked to the theme as I have the same border color with different themes.
    You can have a look here:

    @davidfr add this in NextGEN custom style area:

    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover {
      background-color: #F8A63F;


    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover {
      background-color: #F8A63F !important;
    Thread Starter davidfr


    Thank you very much Tizz! It works now, but you gave twice the same code, I suppose you wanted to give two choices.

    For other people interested, you have to add the code in Other options/Styles. Click on “Show Customizations Options” and add the code in the “File content” box.

    @davidfr The second adds “!important” property, useful when the new style doesn’t apply because can’t override the original one.
    Since it’s better use that property sparingly, it was intended as a second choice in case the first version had not work.
    (And obviously you can change the color).

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