• Resolved ritzonline



    How can i add whitelist a ip like paypal is banned by this security so i have problem with paypal ipn blocked..


Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Thread Starter ritzonline


    its fixed now I have to disable in Paypal the IPN notification I need a Advance Mode setting its works the Hard Ban Mode…

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    Sorry I missed your support request. I will take a look at this shortly and see if there is something that can be done from this end.

    Thread Starter ritzonline


    its ok now Paypal IPN only get Post it can be disable through Paypal account still work without IPN the important is Blocked the china that index the website have been clone thru index now its totally blocked any backdoor ,I read one of the support its blocked goggles bots that is a different a (goggles bots insight) blocked by pareto I don’t have any problem for the advance Mode instantly Banned..work with ninja firewall…

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    Yes. The result of that was it wasn’t Pareto Security blocking Google. I will pop out an update later today which addresses 3rd party payment gateways anyway.

    Thread Starter ritzonline


    thanks for the update its work now for the Paypal IPN standard mode if i used advance mode its hard banned the goggle bots to index the website…

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    Is it still banning Googlebot? If so can you copy here an example from the Pareto Security log of a Googlebot ban thanks.

    Thread Starter ritzonline


    Hi here the log of Googles bots to index but it blocked.

    11:41:38 AM High [Blacklist] GET index.php [Banned] Reflected File Download (RFD): 4d5020.js
    11:41:37 AM High [Blacklist] GET index.php [Banned] Reflected File Download (RFD): 16f5a4.js
    11:41:36 AM High [Blacklist] GET index.php [Banned] Reflected File Download (RFD): 669a75.js

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    I will put out an update tomorrow to fix this issue.

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    Update is out, let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter ritzonline


    ok thanks for the update, Ninja Firewall + Pareto security best combination of security before i used wordfence now is a garbage if you don’t always check your firewall with wordfence WAF is automatically off by hacker but due to pareto security my second security still protected the site its blocked the attempt to hack ,i unistalled wordfence use ninja firewall without problem..

    Plugin Author te_taipo


    Great. Please let me know if you find any more issues.

    Thread Starter ritzonline


    Ok i already post to all flatsome user in the facebook the security plugin …

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