• Resolved gibrich



    First, thanks for this amazing plugin!

    I wonder how the User Roles works? Couldn’t find anything in the help section nor here in the forum.

    Football Pool Match Editor
    Football Pool Match Questions
    Football Pool Admin

    I’ve changed one test user to “Football Pool Admin”. But when I log on with that user, there is noting else showing on the site that makes it possible to edit anything of what I can tell?

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by gibrich.
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author AntoineH


    These are all admin roles. With these roles you can unlock parts of the admin (go to /wp-admin of your site to check).

    Thread Starter gibrich


    Thanks for that fast reply 🙂

    Yes, that’s how I thought it would work too. The only time I can go to /wp-admin is when i change the role to “admin”, and not “football pool admin”.

    Is it something I’m missing here?

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    I just tried on my own install with a test user (match editor role) and could use the admin. First time it redirected me to the frontend – not sure why – but the second time I got to the admin with only the Matches screen enabled (as expected).

    Thread Starter gibrich


    Damnit, that’s exactly what I want it to look like 🙁
    I guess it should work in my case with this address?

    I still don’t get the head WP bar. Only web page.
    Is it possible to do a workaround and add a menu to the homepage with a football pool widget?

    I’m using generatepress also, but that shouldn’t be an issue or?

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    There is an option in the plugin that hides the WP bar for logged in users. You can disable this option, but then it will show for all your users. Although, your non-admins will only be able to access their profile.

    I will check if I can also ignore this option for the Football Pool admin roles. Guess I never checked this when I added the roles (I am always full admin 😀).

    Thread Starter gibrich


    Well I just found out which plugin is causing this by deactivating one plugin at a time. It’s the “Ultimate Member” plugin that crates this issue.

    My set up is using this plugin though, so I will try to figure out if there is a setting I can tweak in the plugin.

    Thread Starter gibrich


    I found it…
    In the wp-admin menu I have my plugin “Ultimate Member”. And under that there is a link for “User Roles”. In there all the Football pool roles had “WP-Admin Access” set to “NO”……

    So changing that to “YES” makes it work… obviously 😀

    Thank you so much for the support!

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    Thanks for the update. Good to know that there is an option in UM that disables admin access for custom roles.

    In the next update of the plugin, all users that are assigned to one of my Football Pool admin roles (admin, match editor or question editor) will also get the WP toolbar for easy access to the admin. And if they don’t want the toolbar, then they can set their personal preference in their profile.

    Thread Starter gibrich


    Sounds good 🙂

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