• Resolved artrandom


    I want to disable Updraft Plus’ automatic backups that kick in before updating plugins if we don’t untick the box.

    This page shows how automatic backups are automatic.

    How do I set this box as unticked to default?
    Where are the settings to do this?

    I want to set them to manual in case I forget to do this.
    Automatic backups have caused my site updates to fail too often.
    And I do want to avoid having to spend hours rebuilding a site because my plugins folder has been wiped clean again.

    I’m asking in the unpaid forum about this issue because I have not been impressed with the response time in the paid premium forum.
    Asking for help publicly seems to be the most motivational factor for Updraft Plus to give me a timely and courteous response.

    Please where in the plugin settings can I permanently turn automatic updates off as default?
    Thank you for your help.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by artrandom.
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  • Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    You can find the option in the UpdraftPlus “Settings” tab > show expert settings > disable “UpdraftPlus Automatic Backups:” option. Make sure to save by click the “Save Changes” button.


    Thread Starter artrandom


    Thank you for the quick and clear posting of the information. I was able to find the setting check box easily.
    Have turned off auto updates for now and will be backing up manually before updates.
    When auto-back up works it is great. But as said before I have had too many occasions when things went wrong with it. Don’t know if this is specific to my set up.But is good to be able to toggle it on and off like this.
    (Of course other simple way would be to activate and deactivate the plugin itself as needed.)
    Anyway, thanks again and much appreciated.



    I still get prompted about automatic backups after disabling and saving the expert settings. Is there anything I can try to solve this? I tried disabling and re-enabling the plugin.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by kaytellehoel.
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