• I am trying to reorder the registration fields. I am using Firefox. I drag the fields but they don’t indicate that they can be moved. Is this possible and how can I do it? I am using the free version so far.

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  • Plugin Author roundupwp


    Hey ZC Web,

    The “free” version just has a basic field and form creator. You can’t change the order at this time. What fields were you hoping to move? If you send a link to an event with the form on it I can give you a bit of JavaScript to move it as an alternative.

    – Craig

    How do I turn off the registration button for a specific events? I can’t see the option as spoke of in the F.A.Q. on your website.

    Plugin Author roundupwp


    Hey ljgarnes,

    Sorry for the delay! I didn’t notice that there was another reply on this thread.

    The option mentioned should be visible when “editing” an event. Scroll down past the regular event settings to find it.

    Let me know if you need more help!

    – Craig

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by roundupwp.
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