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  • I may be wrong, but the border you were seeing must have been defined by the h1 tag. Go into the style.css and give your header a bottom border. That should do it.

    Thread Starter bam1



    I tried that; it didn’t make any changes. Any other suggestions? (I really appreciate your time regardless.) Thanks.

    Thread Starter bam1


    Its the tagline under the blog name that I’m missing :

    <title>Seeing Through The Fog › Bringing Clarity To Our Manufactured Reality…</title>

    How do I replace this header.php? style.css?

    Thread Starter bam1


    I ‘fixed’ it by simply :

    <div id=”header”>
    <h1 id=”blog-title”>Seeing Through The Fog</h1>
    <hr size=”10″ noshade>
    <div id=”blog-description”>Bringing Clarity To Our Manufactured Reality…..</div>
    </div><!– #header –>

    Not as it was originally written, but works all the same!!
    I appreciate your time, anyway.

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