• Resolved nsawarna


    I’m a logged in admin and I do not have the option to view billing information for my site. We’re conducting an end-of-year budget review and I cannot access this information. Am I missing something? Thanks!

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  • View billing information regarding …………………… what?

    Hosting? Domain registration? Product orders from WooCommerce? Other?

    You will need to provide more detailed information about what billing info you are expecting to see.

    Thread Starter nsawarna


    Thanks for your response – I’ve just been asked by our team to check our billing. My understanding is we host our site on WP – I don’t think we use any other services.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    If this relates to the site listed in your profile, it’s hosted at https://vercel.com/. WordPress.org does not host user sites.

    Every website has a cost to own the domain name.

    Perhaps your site is hosted at wordpress.com not wordpress.org.

    You can check here:


    Otherwise, you need more information about the request, or you need to provide a link to your site in this thread.

    Thread Starter nsawarna


    Thanks will do

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