• Resolved gregfuller



    I see on blockpresswp.com that I should be able to choose google fonts, but I can’t figure out how to get there. I looked under global options (the half-white, half-black circle icon) to no avail.

    Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by gregfuller.
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  • Theme Author MotionBlocks


    Hi. When you edit posts, you can find Logo of Blockpress theme in right side top corner. Click on it and you will get additional settings of theme where you can select up to 3 fonts (we recommend to use only 1 maximum)

    Then, in Appearance – Site editor, Click on style icon in right side top corner, you will get panel with Gutenberg design options including typography. In this place you can set your font as Primary, Secondary, tertiary custom font.

    Theme Author MotionBlocks


    I hope this helped

    Hi, I have the same problem with using the blockpress theme. I already uploaded the Google Font I want to use locally, but I can’t find where I can change the primary font. I don’t seee a blockpress logo in the right corner. Also when I go to Appearance – Customize, I can’t change any typography. 🙁

    Once Global Typography presets are defined, how can we apply them to Headers Blocks? Thanks!

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