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  • I’m having the same issue. Very disappointed with this plugin at the moment.

    Thread Starter Vladinator


    no answer from the author. i already escalated clime with PayPal regarding this issue. very disappointed in this fraud

    Fraud indeed. I had months of waiting for support but got absolutely nothing, this rogue piece of software has not even worked once and nearly got my hosting account suspended as it was creating dozens of GBs of broken backup files on my ftp without any notification to me. I will now chase refund through PayPal.

    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Sorry to hear that your having issues.

    These forums are not monitored. Please send an email to and we’ll do our best to solve your issue 🙂

    I am also having a hard time in order to get a refund for the addon. I’ve already send an email to, which was replied at first, but since I asked for a refund I have been ignored…

    I can’t even get the plugin installed 🙁

    And here too: no response from the author, just from some support organization with some vague and useless ways to “fix” this (none of the methods work).

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