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  • Can you add a screenshot of which horizontal line you want to remove? I checked from mobile device and there is no line here.

    Also, you can hide them with css. Select the class and add ‘display:none’ to the item. I hope this will solve the issue.

    Thread Starter hagerstudios


    Thanks for reply Muhibul.

    Yes, the line is only visible on desktop version. But hard to miss on a desktop. Sorry I’m new to wordpress and unsure of how to add a screenshot here.

    Thanks! Nate

    Please go to WordPress dashboard & open Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS option then add that code

    #line {
        display: none;

    If not work the first one remove it and add this one please

    #line {
        display: none !important;
    Thread Starter hagerstudios


    Muhammad, thanks for your response.

    The first one worked. Thanks so much!

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