• Resolved Richard Patterson


    I don’t know how to supply a link to the webpage because I am building it on my desktop with Local. I am working with WordPress 6.2 using the Twenty Twenty Three theme. I designed a static homepage, but I am now confused because the Homepage settings seem to want me to select a page if I want the homepage to be static. It does not offer me the choice of using the Home template. When I select Edit Site it allows me to edit the Home template though. Should I just ignore the homepage settings?

    I also cannot figure out how to eliminate the white space on top of and below my header. Is there a way to edit the Home template to eliminate this unwanted space. The header itself is set to have 0 padding and 0 margin.

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  • DJ


    Hi Richard,

    Yes, you’ll need to create a page to be used as Homepage, and a page to be used as the Posts page. By default, the Home template shows posts and is normally used as the Homepage when you have “Your latest Posts” selected.

    For example, on my site (same theme as you) I have selected “Static page” as my home page. I created a new page and used the Page template to design it. Then I chose that page under Settings→Reading→Homepage

    For the posts page, I created a new page called “Blog.” I used the Home template as-is.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DJ.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DJ.


    Can you post the header white space issue as a new topic? That way I can answer you there and others will benefit as well if they’re searching. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Richard Patterson


    Thanks. I appreciate your responding so quickly and helpfully.

    Somehow the white space went away on its own accord. I have no idea what I changed that fixed the problem. I’m afraid this is typical of my experience with WordPress. I have so many issues going on that I get lost.

    Is it possible to transfer the static page I designed from the Home template to a new homepage? There seems to be something contradictory about the fact that I was able to edit the Home template to be a static page but both places where I can set the Homepage to be static it still shows it as last blog. I know at some point earlier in the process I set it to be static, but that may have been before I switched to the Twenty Twenty Three theme.



    Glad to help. If you haven’t already, you should take a dive into the tutorials: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/intro-to-the-site-editor-and-template-editor/. That might clear up a lot for you about templates!

    It’s helpful to think of pages and posts as content delivery and templates as layout design.

    For example, say you create a page called New. the default template for the layout is “Page.” You can choose another template in the sidebar, or edit the current Page template. When you edit the Page template itself, it affects all pages using that template.

    However, if you edit the New page and add columns, images, text, or any other blocks it only affects that page. Any new pages you create default to the layout of the “Page” template.

    Since you customized the Home template, try this:

    1. Remove customizations from the home template. Go to Editor→Templates→Manage All templates.
    2. Click the three dots on the far right of the Home template and click Clear Customizations.

    Now, create a page that you intend to be your static home page. The create a page that you intend to be your blog (posts) page.

    Go to Settings→Reading and select the appropriate pages for your Homepage and Posts page. You’ll notice that the page you use for Posts automatically applies the Home Template and shows posts.

    Now you can design those pages and templates however you want.

    I hope that’s helpful!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DJ. Reason: typos


    Here’s a screenshot of a page in the page editor. In the right side menu, you can see where to select the page template you want to use.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DJ.
    Thread Starter Richard Patterson


    This is a good example of why I find WordPress confusing. I saw a post about using FrontPage as the home page. I discovered that Front Page was available to add but not included by default in the interface. I added it and made it match the homepage I had created earlier. Now when I go to Pages I see Homepage listed with Front Page as its template. If I click on Edit beneath that it displays essentially an unformatted page with nothing but “Homepage” as its title. If I look at its settings it says it is using the Front Page template. If I look at the pulldown menu of templates available all I see are Default, Blank and Blog (Alternative). If I go to the site it displays the Front Page homepage as I want it. But if I select Edit Page it displays a blank page. If I select Edit Site, I can click on the display and edit the Front Page version of my homepage. Is this supposed to make sense in some way I am not understanding?



    It sounds like you may be using the Front Page template for both layout and content. That’s why when you go to edit the page itself, there’s nothing there.

    As I mentioned, try to think about templates as layout and pages as content. Add content to the Home page itself, and then design the layout using the Front Page template — or any other template, like Blank.

    You’ll notice that if you delete the Front Page template, the default template for Pages goes back to Page. As it says on the Front Page template:

    “Displays your site’s front page, whether it is set to display latest posts or a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates.”

    The Front Page template is there to add as a convenience, but it’s not necessary. You can design your own page template and use it on any page you want.

    Thread Starter Richard Patterson


    Thanks. I’m still confused by what is happening. I have a Page which is called Homepage and uses the Front Page template. When I edit the page, the settings show Front Page as the template it is using, although Front Page is not included in the dropdown menu to select a template. When I edit the Page I see things that do not appear on the page when I view the site.

    It seems to me that the distinction between layout and content becomes a bit foggy if my layout includes a header and two columns, one of which is a sidebar with a list of links and the other is a paragraph of permanent text. Are you suggesting that my layout should just consist of empty blocks for the header and the sidebar as well as the paragraph? If the Front Page template is always and only for the homepage, it seems to me that editing the content is the same as editing the layout. Obviously WordPress does not agree with me. : )

    Is the Front Page template an obsolete template left over from some earlier incarnation of WordPress?



    You won’t see Front Page listed in the template dropdown when editing a page, because that’s the template it’s already using.

    You can create your Home page however you want. If you want to put all your content in the Front Page template and let that serve as your Home page, go for it. If it helps for you to distinguish it differently than what I described, and you get the results you want, that’s great.

    Thread Starter Richard Patterson


    OK. I’ll focus on something else. I appreciate you persistence and help.

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