• Resolved 8bit7


    So I have had a “home” page for a while (as in I created the page, not the wp generated one) and after making a save to it, it completely disappeared from the list of pages…..

    I went into the database and it is there, but it’s not showing in Dashboard > Pages. The page is called “home” and the url is mysite.com/home. It is not set to be my themes homepage.

    In the database, I deleted the page in wp_posts and then recreated it (a blank page) in the wp backend but it’s still not showing up in the list.

    I disables all of my plugins. I deleted everything inside my functions.php.

    It is the main site of a multisite network. I am the super admin.

    Anyone know why and how to fix that?

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by 8bit7.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by 8bit7.
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