• Resolved mapasa



    I want to hide the poll on the page for people who have already voted and are visiting the page again for a second time. I want nothing to be seen, neither the survey nor the results.

    It’s possible?


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  • Plugin Author YOP



    This may be possible with some custom css code but we would like to run a test before sending it over.

    Can you let us know the settings you have on Options -> Results so we can run the test with the same settings you have?

    Thread Starter mapasa


    Hello and thanks for your answer.

    In “Options > Results” I have checked these options:

    • Show results: After vote
    • Show results to: Registered
    • Show details as: Percentages
    • Display “Back to vote” link: No
    • Sort results: Number of votes
    • Sort rule: Descending
    • Display results as: Bars

    Plugin Author YOP



    Thank you for sending over the settings.

    Can you help us with settings for Options -> Access as well?

    Thread Starter mapasa


    In “Options > Access” I have checked these options:

    Vote Permissions: WordPress
    Block Voters: By User Id
    Block Period: Forever
    Limit number of votes per user: Yes
    Votes per user: 1

    Plugin Author YOP


    Thank you.

    Can you add the css code below and see if it does the trick?

    .basic-yop-poll-container[data-show-results-only="true"] {
      display: none;

    We’ve tested it with the settings you sent over and it worked.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter mapasa


    Yes, it works!

    Thank you very much!

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