• Hi, is there a way to hide the “price display suffix” of the products when the VAT is zero?

    (I’m currently doing some test on a local test site).

    For example, the shop is set in Germany, the products have 19% vat included in their price. The displayed price is let’s say “115€ included VAT”.

    Customer XY is from the US (under settings / taxes I set the US in the zero taxes table with 0%), he sees the prices without the 19% and that’s perfect. The displayed price is “96,64€ included VAT” – even if the VAT is zero and actually isn’t there.
    Is there a way to hide the label / tag “INCLUDED VAT” when the VAT / tax is zero? 



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  • Plugin Support omarfpg (woo-hc)


    Hi Davide, @dande82, I remember you from another thread last week! I’m happy to see you’re doing great progress with the site!

    Is there a way to hide the label / tag “INCLUDED VAT” when the VAT / tax is zero? 

    Not by default, though you could rely on a code snippet to achieve this, for instance I found this one that seems to cover your scenario. You can apply it on your child theme functions.php (if you have a child theme), or through a plugin like Code Snippets.

    Please keep in mind though that this is a third-party snippet, and we can’t offer support for it. We advise you to take a full backup of your site before implementing any custom code snippet, or trying them first on a staging site.


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