• Resolved apinis


    Hey there everyone! I think I have tried all of the solutions found on google. Half of them do not work and other half makes glitches.

    Is there a way to hide featured image AND its thumbnail on single product page? I need to show an 1. image on all product page and 2. other first image on single product page.

    Thank you in advance and have a great day!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @apinis

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Is there a way to hide featured image AND its thumbnail on single product page? I need to show an 1. image on all product page and 2. other first image on single product page.

    I would be happy to assist you, but I am not quite sure I understand your inquiry. Could you please provide additional details or clarify your question, so I can better assist you?

    If a screenshot would be helpful, I’d recommend using https://snipboard.io. You can share the direct link to the image as a response to this topic.

    Thread Starter apinis


    Thank you so much for your reply!

    1. I want to show this image on product list page https://snipboard.io/PpZcTE.jpg
    2. I want to show another image (first from gallery for example) in single product view https://snipboard.io/ix4YDa.jpg

    I tried many solutions found on the internet and they dont work, maybe because I use Astra theme. I am willing to buy a third party solution or pay someone for custom coding.

    Thread Starter apinis


    Anyone has any ideas? I would also be glad for paid support.



    Hi @apinis ,

    Thanks for providing additional clarity on this.

    I am not aware of any plugins or custom code that can help you achieve these desired results, and would suggest reaching out to a developer for further help with this.

    If you would like direct assistance with code customizations, we recommend consulting with the WooCommerce Customizations Partners.

    I hope this points you in the right direction 🙂


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