• Blank Target Comments is a great plugin which can converts link references in comments. It adds target=â€?_blankâ€? to links posted by comment authors and to the comment author (comment by:) link. This plugin also removes rel=â€?nofollowâ€? in the comment authors link.

    But when I test it in these website, it can’t work:

    They used WordPress, and they’ve used the plugin “Comment Quicktags” 1.0 by Owen Winkler, “Trencaspammers” by Gabriel Ortega and “Page Navigation” by GaMerZ.

    Need Help!

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  • Are you using the wp-comments-post.php that came with Trencaspammers?

    I’m suspecting it’s a conflict with this plugin, since it uses a customized wp-comments-post.php file, and I notice it’s passing variables differently…but can’t be sure. I didn’t dig too deep into that plugin.

    You could try disabling the plugin, and uploading the original WP comments.php and wp-comments-post.php files to see if the problem continues.

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