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  • Hey, Algraham93!

    You can add the following to your style.css:

    form {
    margin: 0px 0px 20px;
    background-color: #F7F2E6;
    width: 300px;

    Note that I included the width: 300px because the actual form box seemed to overlap the map to the right.

    The best way to do this, though, is to install a plugin called “Simple Custom CSS” and put the code into that. Otherwise, when you upgrade/update your theme, you could lose the change.

    P.S. – Of course, you can change the background color to whatever you like.

    If you use a web debugging tool (like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools), you’ll see that the CSS which controls the appearance of the contact form is in the theme’s style.css file, or in the theme’s bootstrap.min.css file, but I’m not sure why you need to find out where the CSS is, all you need to do is add your own overriding CSS. In fact, you want to avoid modifying the theme files directly because any changes you make to the theme files will be lost the next time the theme is upgraded because of a bug fix, feature enhancement, security patch, or major WordPress version change. The suggested procedure for making changes is to create a child theme or, if you are just making CSS changes, to use a CSS plugin like JetPack or Custom CSS Manager (if the theme doesn’t have a custom CSS option).

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