• Resolved debbiewaller


    I am new to wordpress and CSS.
    I wanted to change the wording for a password protected ‘enter password’ page and found on the forum that I could do this by adding the code below to “additional CSS”. However, I’d like to have a space before and after the text and password form, it’s somewhat overwhelmed by the header and footer at the moment. How do I alter this CSS to make this happen?
    The post where I found the CSS is closed so I can’t ask there, and any help would be appreciated.

    .post-password-form p:first-child {
    visibility: hidden;
    {content: “Please enter your discount code in the password box.”;
    visibility: visible;

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by debbiewaller.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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