• Resolved WhitG


    First off, thanks for writing this plugin, it really saved me when I realized that a similar plugin that I had been using conflicts with the Divi theme. That said, I’m unfortunately hitting a major issue with it, and this is my product’s launch day. :/

    When you go to the URL below on a phone, you’ll want to click the “MENU” button at the top right, then Contact, then close the menu (that’s another issue that I need to fix):

    You’ll notice two things:

    1. The content area quickly gets too big for the screen. This may somehow relate to the form that appears inside the iFrame. I can probably fix this issue.

    2. The problem that I’m wanting help with, and one that appears in iFrames that are not too big for the screen, is that it won’t scroll when you swipe up/down. The background content scrolls instead.

    Any idea what could be going on here? I’m very skilled with CSS, but I don’t even know where to begin with this. I would even be okay with disabling the lightbox on small screens as a stop-gap measure, but I’m not sure how I would do that.

    Thanks for any help that you can provide!

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  • Thread Starter WhitG


    I’ll be damned, I think I fixed it. Turns out that this isn’t an uncommon problem with mobile iFrames. 🙂

    I just had to create this class in my CSS:

    .nivo-lightbox-wrap {
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch !important;
    overflow: scroll !important;

    There are still formatting issues that I need to resolve, but I’m relieved that these windows will scroll properly now.

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