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  • Try deactivating your plugins.

    Thread Starter obane


    Thank you for the suggestion! I did try that but nothing changed. Do you know what the problem could be?

    Try switching to default theme to see if the box still appears.

    Thread Starter obane


    Switching to a default theme did take away the big white box! Right before the big white box appeared, I was trying to edit the Sugar n Spice theme I was using, so I think I must’ve just messed that up. Do you know of how I could get the theme back to how it was a couple hours ago?

    Yep, just leave the site on a different theme, delete the Sugar and Spice theme and then reinstall it.

    BTW, modifying theme files isn’t really a good idea because your changes will be lost when the theme is updated. IF you want to change things, better to use a child theme

    Thread Starter obane


    Thank you! It’s all fixed. I appreciate your help so much!

    You’re welcome!

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