• Resolved rna000


    Hello! I’m using Gutenberg editor without any plugin along with the default theme Twenty Twenty-Three but I have a small issue that I can’t fix. As you can see from the screenshot here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ON3l302_JZWPi2lWEuGE-yTwVkrXdI2W/view between the header and the Cover block there’s a small space with the yellow color of the background. How can I solve this and remove this yellow space?

    I’m unable to increase the size of the Cover block and I’ve already removed everything coming after the header (like Title) in the template edit section but doesn’t help fully.

    Can you please advise me? I would also make maybe the cover block starting from the beginning and going under the header, that would be ok as well.

    Thanks a lot for the help!

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  • Thread Starter rna000


    I’ve somehow fixed this issue by adding some Space block on top and on the bottom of the header, so it gives more breathing space. Furthermore, I’ve add this code

    .cover1 {
    top: -100px

    and moved the Cover block up, so now it is under the header.

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    Thread Starter rna000


    done, cheers

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