• whitmason


    I used Settings/Reading to point the Posts page to a page with a title of “News”. The page uses the default template. Theme is Astra. The site is configured to use a header created with the Elementor Header & Footer Builder. All other pages display correctly, but the News page displays “Archives” in the header, instead of News. The title displays correctly before we changed the Settings to specify the Posts page. But whenever we set it to the News page, the title changes to “Archives”. How can we display the blog posts with the correct title?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Herman Asrori (BSF)


    Hi @whitmason,

    I can see that Archive is part of the Header.

    Please export the template you are using as the custom Header and share it with us here. I will try to import it on my dev site and see if I can reproduce the case.

    It will be even better if you can share the steps to replicate the case, so I won’t miss anything.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

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