• Resolved Peter Crosby


    I have hCaptcha (v4.2.1) and CF7 (v5.9.5) installed and connected, yet when I add [hCaptcha] or [cf7-hcaptcha] to my form (before the SUBMIT button), all I see is the shortcode text, no captcha. In the FAQ, you say the shortcode must be “inside the … tag.” I don’t understand what that means, there are no … tags in a CF7 form that I can see. What am I missing? Thanks.

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  • Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    On Integrations page, you have to activate the CF7 form support:

    You do not need to add the hCaptcha shortcode into the form, the plugin will add it automatically.

    In the case if you want to place the hCaptcha in the middle of the form, you may add the shortcode manually:

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by kaggdesign.
    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by kaggdesign.
    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by kaggdesign.
    Thread Starter Peter Crosby


    Yeah, I have CF7 activated, but hCaptcha’s still not showing. I thought it was because the site wasn’t public (do’h!), but I made it public and still nada. Any other thoughts?

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Could you provide the link to the public website page and screenshots of Integrations page and CF7 edit page?

    Thread Starter Peter Crosby


    Sorry, was away for a while. Is there a way to send you the files/URL privately? Feel paranoid posting it here.

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Sure, please send it to my email info@kagg.eu.

    Thread Starter Peter Crosby


    Ah, crap. I forgot to flush my cache after making the site public. Did that and now hCaptcha shows up fine. Sorry about being a moron. My bad.

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    No problem, please feel free to come back if you have any other question.

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