• I installed this for our new charity for handling our membership requirements because on the face of it it looked like it was exactly what we needed.

    However, we very soon started running into all sorts of problems. We required supporting documentation to be uploaded. These were required fields which we knew members were completing correctly, but the uploaded file sometimes didn’t arrive with the application! Despite many attempts to resolve this matter, they never got to the bottom of it and the slow responses just added to the misery.

    We also had an issue with the system defaulting to USA, despite our WordPress being set up for UK (where we are!). It doesn’t look professional when a UK only organisation has USA as the default address! It was also (most of the time, but not always) converting phone numbers into the US format. Not a deal breaker, but just another unnecessary annoyance. They eventually came up with some really complicated piece of coding that they wanted me to apply, at which point I felt that this system clearly wasn’t for us.

    I have now ditched this in favour of another PlugIn. Admittedly this new PlugIn has its faults too, but it works much better out of the box, looks a whole load more professional and their support is far superior.

    Clearly many people get on with PMPro, but this definitely wasn’t for us and our decision to change has been the best for us, despite the inherit problems that has caused in the interim.

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  • Plugin Author Andrew Lima


    Hi Tim,

    Thank you for taking the time to leave an honest review, I apologize that you experienced issues with Paid Memberships Pro.

    I tried to find your support tickets to get a better overview of what was said, and dig deeper into our quality of support and interactions with you, but I haven’t been able to locate anything across all of our channels.

    If you would be open to sending us an email request of a link to a ticket we handled poorly, it will help us review it and improve for future cases to see where we went wrong. We take our quality of support seriously.

    While we try our best to offer as much “out of the box”, Paid Memberships Pro will require some tweaking with settings and/or custom code snippets that are available on our site or assistance from our support team in certain cases to expand on functionality.

    I’m not sure if you tried these solutions and thought to share it here publicly for anyone that comes across this review.

    To change the default country of the country field at checkout, this guide should have resolved your issue – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/change-the-default-country-of-your-membership-website/

    To filter the format of the phone field, this guide should have resolved your issue – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/how-to-format-the-member-phone-number-field-using-a-filter/

    I ran further detailed tests of the User Fields File Upload field type and can confirm it works as intended with being required during checkout and automatically included in the email an admin receives when a checkout is completed (with a link to the file).

    I’m glad to hear you’ve managed to find a solution that fits your needs. Good luck with your membership site.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Andrew Lima. Reason: Added link for formatting phone field
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