• Resolved studiomesta


    Hello Jegstudio team,

    After your support with multi select, I am continuing with the form that I am creating.

    I have created some potential answers. I have ordered them (menu “select conten”) as I want that they apprear for the customer (product, process, new, current).

    However, the published form does not respect this order and shows: current, new, process, product (alphabetically sorted).

    IMPORTANT: I am with working the gutenverse plugin that you provided me yesterday (not with gutenverse form plugin), that solved the problem of not sending emails.

    Thanks for your support.

    Best regards.

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  • Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @putra1arya,

    In addition to my previous email, I see very useful that you can put the options that you want that are pre-selected to the customer, directly from the contact form layout area.

    However, that function does not work.

    Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Support putra1arya


    Hello @studiomesta,
    I think there is another bug regarding multiselect that option cannot be ordered.
    For the pre-selected form, I don’t think our plugin can do that yet.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @putra1arya,

    which is recommendation? Can you give me an alternative. I must be in 2 weeks in production.

    Thanks again.

    Plugin Support putra1arya


    Hello @studiomesta,
    I think this week we will update our gutenverse plugin. Please wait patiently for the next update.

    But the update doesn’t include pre-selected form.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello putra1arya,

    I will wait, thanks.

    For “multi select” fields I am fully using the “selected” as on. That means that the customer must click to deselect, instead of adding. This way of interaction is more friendly for the customer to give the correct answer, specially when there are “multi select” answers. I would really appreaciate that you keep this, I NEED IT.

    I have another recommendation for multi select, as I am using it in order that the customer create a “quasi-sentence” when he answers. Each “multi select” contains a group of options (answers). At the same time, this group has pairs of options. For example: product/process, development/production.

    If you could give the posibility that if you select (or pre) one answer, the other answer would be automatically deselect, it would be great. For example, if I see product and process and I choose “product”, then “process” would be deselected. If it is too much complicated this filtering inside, maybe an easy way would be that each pair of options would have their own colour.

    When I finish the work, I can give a fully feedback of it. If you tell me how (which channel).

    Again, thanks.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Yoga


    Hi @studiomesta,

    I appreciate your patience as we prepare for the update.
    The pre-selected option will not be removed, don’t worry.

    Regarding the multi-group options, could you give some example with screenshot or is there a website you saw that have these options?

    Thank you for the feedback, we appreciate it.
    We will consider adding it to our to-do list, but I can’t promise you it will be available in the future.

    Best Regards.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @yoga,

    No problem, I can continue with other topics in parallel.

    Ok, thanks for the pre-select availability.

    What I am suggesting, I have not seen anywhere yet (unfortunately). I find it very useful to reduce the number of questions and to give more flexibility and reliability to the answer. So this a challenge.

    Let´s imagine that we have following question “what do you want?”

    Imagine that you have following potential multi answers:

    pair#1 (both answer are possible to be chosen):

    pair#2 (only 1 answer is possible to be chosen):

    pair#3 (only 1 answer is possible to be chosen):

    pair#4 (multiple answers are possible to be chosen):
    manufacturing area 1
    manufacturing area 2
    manufacturing area 3

    Imagine also that all those multi potential answers (10 in total) are not pre-selected and the customer must select what it does define what he needs.

    Imagine that the customer wants to answer “an assigned process in development phase for manufacturing area 1 and 2”.

    The “dynamic filter” that I propose would make automatically as follows:

    1. customer select “process” (and dissapears “process” from the list of of potential answers)
    2. customer select “assigned” (and dissapears automatically both “nominated” and “rfq”)
    3. customer select “development” (and dissapears “production” from the list of of potential answers)
    4. customer select “manufacturing area 1” and “manufacturing area 2”. In this case as multiple answers are possible, there is no filter.

    I will try to create later some screenshots and send them.

    Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @yoga,

    Friendly reminder, thanks.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @yoga or @putra1arya,

    I would appreciate your feedback regarding the previous topic. At least the order.

    On the other hand, can you please tell me how can I change the colour of the bubbles? I do not find where.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @yoga or @putra1arya,

    regarding my last email, I have found where to change the colour of the bubbles and I have seen that the order issue is solved with your last update. Do you plan to make the improvement that I was talking about?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards

    Plugin Support putra1arya


    Hello @studiomesta,
    Yes, we still working on your suggestion about multi group select. But we can’t promise when it will be released. Please be patient and wait for the news.

    Thread Starter studiomesta


    Hello @putra1arya,

    Thanks, I wait for it.

    In the other hand, in your last review, I have noticed that now the order of the “SELECT” block does not work. The options are only sorted alphabetically, no choice for the developer.

    Before your last update it was possible.

    Thanks for your support.


    Plugin Support putra1arya


    Hello @studiomesta,
    Thank you for your bug report. We found the problem.
    The problem will be fixed in the next update.

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