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  • Thread Starter avirosenberg


    Clarification: the placement and linking of the buttons is correct for Hebrew with the left button going to next and the right going to previous, but the buttons themselves are reversed like this > <

    Thread Starter avirosenberg


    I love having this conversation with myself-I guess it serves me right for asking questions on Christmas. Anyways I found the workaround for the table cells by adjusting the css. Is there a more intrinsic solution? I would still like to know where to switch the next and prev arrows.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    You would have to hack the plugin files. Here is the one for the next button:

    NOTE: Not recommended to change the base files of the plugin.

    I think this may be an issue with LTR vs RTL languages. Thanks for bringing this up so I can do some investigating about that when I have the chance.


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