• Many years ago their free features were free but now they charging for it, especially to website owners who trying to get by on almost nothing. Just sad, we can’t get ahead if we allow these kind of companies get ahead like this, i do NOT recommend using this plugin anymore. I use to like this plugin for many years but they went downhill in caring about their community, now its the money… They charge now for stats, which used to be free.. If developer or staff of Jetpack replies here, I don’t trust your comments. Your words don’t mean anything when actions say otherwise. Go ahead and speak your political agenda here to defend your image, we ain’t going to believe your dirty lies.

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  • Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hello there – Thank you for sharing your feedback on the recent changes to Jetpack Stats. I understand that price adjustments can be challenging, and I want to address your concerns.

    After many years of offering Jetpack Stats for free, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to introduce paid versions to ensure the product’s sustainability. We’re actively investing in enhancing the Stats feature, and you’ll see more improvements in the future. This change allows us to maintain quality, cover development costs, and continue adding new features.

    However, we still provide free stats for completely non-commercial sites, along with many other free features within Jetpack. If you share your site address with us, we can check if it qualifies for free stats and can make the changes for your site.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

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