• mikeheller


    New to the game but has already replaced my existing Lightbox solution (Fancybox). Looking forward to new features, but good for most sites as it is.

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  • Thomas


    Hello Mike,

    Really glad you like our plugin !

    Thanks for the kind words and do not hesitate if you have any feature idea / fix requests in mind 🙂

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter mikeheller


    You’re welcome. You better check out the support area, I’m way ahead of you 🙂



    Woops, as you can see we miswritten my wordpress pseudo so I’m not considered as the plugin contributor and so didn’t received the emails alerts for support.

    Will check all these support tickets 😉

    Edit : I answered all your support threads just to realize it wasn’t publishing my answers, maybe Jordy has to approve them but he is currently in the french time zone ( which means he is either sleeping or really drunk at the time, both ways he can’t really take care of support right now 😉 )


    Thread Starter mikeheller


    I see your posts on the support forum, and also replied 🙂

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