• Resolved renansavidan


    You are my last hope 😉
    I mean I have tried to solve this by myself a lot but have not succeeded sor far.

    Here the way I try to customize datas I display with a Pie Graph :

    echo do_shortcode('[visualizer id="535" series="mycustom_series_filter" data="mycustom_data_filter" settings="mycustom_filter_settings"]');

    There is a graph with ID=535
    I copied pasted your own code from that page to test further :
    I mean all the hooks (filters/functions)

    Website has been updated (Visualiser, all plugins, WordPress … with latest versions)
    PHP 7.2

    I get the graphs on my page but not dynamic at all, it’s like the hook functions are not triggered.

    I made it work last year with the same documentation from your website, Then I had 3 graphs on the same page with datas generated dyncamically.

    I dont know what I am missing but I have tried quite a lot and as it not a premium feature and as your provide these codes examples I thought it could be more direct to ask you.

    I don’t understand what and if I did wrong, is there anything bugged there ?
    I hope you find a second to help,
    Best regards,

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by renansavidan.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by renansavidan.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    @renansavidan we have removed these arguments from the shortcode during a security review. We will reinstate these once we understand how to provide this functionality in a better way.

    For the time being you can hook in to the internal filters visualizer-get-chart-series, visualizer-get-chart-data and visualizer-get-chart-settings with a lower priority.

    Kindly spare a moment to leave us a review. It would really help us spread the word!

    Thread Starter renansavidan


    Thanks a lot for your answer @contactashish13
    It makes sense it didn’t work at all.
    The filters you are talking about are the global ones, right ? Does it mean it won’t work dynamically for each of the graphs I display oon the front-end ?
    Can I achieve the same result with these filters ?
    Otherwise I have to downgrade the plugin to wich version ?
    And last thing please : how could the premium version help if none of the above options work ?

    Thank you again,
    I hope you can give me your feedback again.
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by renansavidan.
    Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    @renansavidan these are the global ones and they will work with all charts. You will have to make sure your filter the chart id.

    Thread Starter renansavidan


    OK I am going to try this solution.
    I understand I have to create more Charts then because with the custom filters I could use only 1 chart (1 ID) for all my pies.
    Maybe a premium version would help.
    Renan Savidan.

    Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    @renansavidan the filters will work with just 1 chart as well. If you have multiple charts, you will need to add a check inside the filters to make sure you are making changes for the correct chart id. The pro version does not offer anything more on this front.

    Kindly spare a moment to leave us a review. It would really help us spread the word!

    Thread Starter renansavidan


    Great answer.
    When I am done with that I will write a review.
    By the way I already tried, I am using the filters on the same page that displays the charts (like I did with the custom ones). I haven’t succeeded so far but I keep trying.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by renansavidan.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • The topic ‘Graphs from shortcodes and filters not dynamic (should be)’ is closed to new replies.