• Resolved username201701


    I would like to show snippet reviews underneath my client’s meta description in search. Is there any way that this plugin can achieve this?

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  • Plugin Author richplugins



    It’s not the option of the free plugin, it was in the business version, but not at the moment.

    It’s not an option of the business plugin since 2019 due Google’s limitation. According to the changes in Sep 2019, Google forbidden a LocalBusiness and Organisation schema type in the Rich Snippets for all sites except a listing/directory-sites (like Yelp or Facebook), according to this it’s not possible to use in the business plugin.

    Here is a source:


    Also Google disallows using other schema types like Product, Book or Recipe for Google map reviews. Because these types should be described about a specific item, not reviews for a company, service or some business.

    However, some other plugins have such a workaround, I mean use a Product schema type for a map reviews, unfortunately, Google can mark the page with this markup like a spammy rating and drop from a search. We can’t take that risk and didn’t add this workaround to our plugin.


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