• Resolved interbaro


    hey Jan, first thanks for this plugin 🙂 this said, i have a quick question i could not find within forum. Will this work within google search results? ie, if a page does not have a featured image per se, when your plugin is active, will the default image defined also show up on google search results or social sharing or is it just for frontend viewing? thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author Jan-Willem



    The short answer is probably .
    This will depend on the theme and/or SEO plugin.
    If there is a place where the featured image would be used. DFI will fill it in if missing.

    So google/social share will look for both regular images and <meta property="og:image" tags in your HTML.
    So if your theme/SEO plugin adds that, DFI will automatically do it’s job.

    Hope this helps you.
    Let me know if I can do anything else.


    Thread Starter interbaro


    thanks so much for your quick response. ok then, will see how it goes. thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by interbaro.
    Plugin Author Jan-Willem


    Here are two sites that can check the social share preview.

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