• Resolved lnvndrhydn


    Error: Your Google API Key is not valid for this request and permission is denied. Please check your Google API Key.

    I’ve followed the steps in the plugin setup exactly, but for the API restrictions, there isn’t one for maps. What are the settings that should be followed?

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  • Plugin Author Design Extreme


    @lnvndrhydn It sounds like Places API is not enabled. This is the API restriction you’ll need here (not maps). Please check the steps relating to enabling the Places API and its restriction.

    Thread Starter lnvndrhydn


    Thanks, I think I figured out I need to set up billing. Unfortunately, that’s not gonna happen with this client and I’m not adding my credit card to it, so I guess we’ll have to find another solution.

    Plugin Author Design Extreme


    @lnvndrhydn I was going to suggest looking at that as the next step.

    You can add additional measures to ensure that you’re API Key’s allocation is never used up. Check the plugin’s FAQ under request limits and set a notification for $1 (or similar). The free allocation is plenty for this plugin (in fact, it probably uses less than 1% of your free allocation). You don’t need to pass on any of your own Google Cloud details – just keep this all to yourself.

    Thread Starter lnvndrhydn


    Thanks, I’ll think about it.

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