• Am not going in to my reasons for leaving Yoast, so many others have written about that.
    Been testing Al In One SEO Pack, and to be honest I found it very good indeed. My main problem with both these to big dragons is that they are in fact Commercial plugins that offer a “stripped” version for free. Which I totally understand. But to me – a private person with a website to promote my own standup – I just can’t afford any of them, the total sum in a year, support cost included, is too high.

    So I tried The SEO Framework. And so far it seems to do the job. Not too difficult to set up, very good support and the plugin author takes the time to answer even late at night.

    One thing I really like is the multicolored bar that shows how good my descriptions, titles and so on, is. At first I couldn’t understand why those bars weren’t available when writing a post, but now I have been updatig earlier posts with the help of those colored bars.

    And so far THAT is what seems to be better than AIO. It is easier for me being a non-geek to actually understand what happens with my SEO efforts.

    Really good work, and I will probably put 5 stars as soon as I have had it running a few days.


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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi Thomas 🙂

    Thank you so much for your kind review and your honest words 🙂
    Let me know how everything works out, I’ll be sure to turn this into a 5 star review 😀

    P.S. All about the SEO Bar’s non-integration with the Post/Page edit screen, is found here, including code to do it yourself: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/description-the-is-used-3-times

    Thread Starter Tomasahl


    Ok, have changed my rating now (was a four earlier), since I really think this one is worth a five, after using it for a few days. And I must say that I am so totally impressed now.

    After dropping Yoast I have tried AIO, SEO Ultimate, Squirrly and also SEO Wizard. The last three I quickly dropped, since I didn’t see anything in them that was better than AIO.

    I have glanced towards this one for a while, even before dropping Yoast, but not until the other day I decided to give it a shot for real.

    Note: I am NOT trying do give the others bad reviews. I am certain that the other two “big” ones are really good if you choose their premium versions. However, as free SEO plugins come, I see this as my best choise, and so this is the one I will use for now.

    1. Easy to install and set up, and after just two days I have finally gotten Bing to visit my site. Also the amount of unique have gone back up to the same level as before upgrading Yoast.
    2. Superb support. Even by email the plugin author is just top notch, much better than the unpaid support from AIO or Yoast.
    3.Performance. No problems, and it loads fast. And I get no error messages whatsoever.
    4. Cost. Yes, this is important, since my website is not commercial I just can’t afford the premium contenders in the long run. However-I just hope Sybre can afford to put in time for developing this.
    5. The colored bar! It really is good, since it helps me go back and optimise the posts already published.

    So even if I think that AIO is a really good plugin -and since it has so many users it must be – I will use The SEO Framework. It seems to me to be the bast solution for a small site run by a noob.

    / Tomas A

    (this turned out to be more of an article than a review. Sorry)

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    To change a review, go to the same place that you made it: https://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/autodescription#postform

    Thread Starter Tomasahl


    Thanks Andrew for pointing me in the right direction. Rating updated now.

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Thank you so much for the updated and expanded review Thomas 🙂
    It’s really appreciated and lets me know what my focus should be on when pushing future updates :D!

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